
15 Animated Ad Examples For Businesses To Inspire | 2024 Animated Ads Showcase

Animated advertisements have become a potent tool for companies to fascinate consumers and increase engagement in today’s dynamic digital market. It’s critical to remain on top of trends as we enter 2024 and to get ideas from creative animated ad campaigns. This post provides 15 inspiring examples of animated advertisements that will boost your marketing efforts and inspire your imagination. Prepare to be inspired as we explore the world of animated ads and learn how they may help your company succeed.

What Is An Animated Ad?

Animated commercials are brief cartoon commercials created to advertise a company’s goods or services.

This kind of advertising is regularly seen on television or digital channels, particularly on social media sites like Facebook and YouTube. Animations can be displayed as in-banner or in-stream advertisements there.

While the latter phrase refers to an advertisement played within an organic video post, the first case refers to an advertisement that is a banner with an attached video.

15 Best Animated Ads To Inspire

Self-Credit – Build Your Credit

This Self Financial video, produced in 2D animated motion graphics, sells its concept in under 20 seconds. The video motivates viewers with its superbly straightforward introduction to intricate financial services, and it’s the ideal bundle thanks to its understated yet fascinating design and concise explanation.

A motion artist can freely explore various textures, styles, and movements because of the endless ways that 2D animation can produce stunning graphics. Another factor contributing to the rise in the popularity of 2D animation for animated advertisements is that it is less expensive and takes less time to produce than 3D animation or stop-motion animation.

Therefore, 2D motion graphics must be on your radar if you’re considering the type of animation for your TV commercial.

Project Sunroof – Google

The “Project Sunroof” film from Google demonstrates how animated video is ideal for explaining even the most complicated stories. With this video, Google introduced a new project to show homeowners how much money they may save by switching from conventional electricity to solar power by integrating solar power generation estimates with Google Maps.

Although the concept is sophisticated, Google conveys the story clearly and briefly in under two minutes. We aren’t the only ones who thought the film was compelling; Project Sunroof is now operational throughout the United States and has had more than 2 million views.

Work, Simplified – Slack

Fantastic animation advertising, or fantastic commercials, is nothing new to the well-known business communication network Slack. But one of our all-time favorites is still “Work, Simplified”! It is one of those instances of a video advertisement that stands out for its “simple complexity” and economy of plot, fully utilizing visual communication.

Their message is effectively communicated through the use of a continuous take and camera panning, along with rich backgrounds and compositions. You can’t watch the video and not understand what it’s saying, even if there isn’t any voice-over or on-screen writing.

Catch – Coca Cola

Of course, we couldn’t discuss animated advertisements without including the renowned Coca-Cola “Catch” video. In 1993, a different animated Coca-Cola commercial named “Northern Lights” introduced polar bears to the public. The same polar bears appeared again in the enduring animated commercial “Catch” for the 2012 Super Bowl.

The film emphasizes the significance and experiences that come with sharing a Coca-Cola bottle among many people. The stunning animation is completely engrossing and masterfully captures the emotion of sharing good occasions with loved ones. Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony serves as the perfect accompaniment.

Since Coca-Cola has been around for a long time, we can state with certainty that they enjoy employing animated advertisements and that we can expect to see more excellent animated marketing content from them in the years to come.

Why Does Starbucks Blend Coffee? – Starbucks

A surefire indicator that marketing is effective is the sensation that you’ve just smelled or felt something after watching an advertisement. Advertising for food and drink products is different from marketing for other products.

Stimulating a real sense of taste and scent is one of the main keys for these sectors. Ads don’t smell or taste, of course. However, the correct sound and visual effects can imitate such sensations and elicit strong feelings.

You’ll come the closest to simulating the experience of savoring coffee, as we witness in this Starbucks Blend video when all three elements come together. Effective advertising is about keeping your audience interested and allowing them to smell freshly brewed coffee even when seated on the couch.

Able – Yum Yum Video

It is one of our all-time favorite animated ads we’ve produced; I hope you may use it as inspiration for some creative animation in your work. With this explainer film, we concentrated on utilizing the effectiveness of motion graphic videos, utilizing energizing transitions and significant images to convey the information our customer desired to be covered while also doing so in an attention-grabbing manner that kept viewers interested.

The company’s message is conveyed in a way that underlines the essential points even upon a cursory look, and the intricate yet simple-to-read graphics help complement the point the narrator is trying to make. Alliteration was also used in the script’s development to further enhance the piece’s memorability.

What Would Christmas Be Without Love? – Erste Group

Many businesses use animated video ads to celebrate the holiday season around Christmas. And one Austrian bank, the Erste Group, did a fantastic job at it in 2018. They came up with this endearing tale about a hedgehog that faces challenges in his quest to make friends.

How does that relate to a bank? Well, this is a commercial. Instead of emphasizing sales pitches, this advertisement focuses on communicating company values. It’s important to remember that this charming tale is situated in a hypothetical universe where animals ride school buses and celebrate Christmas, making it nearly impossible to convey without animation advertising.

As you will soon discover, one of the main benefits of cartoon advertisements is that there are no restrictions on how much you tell a tale.

Play with Oreo – Oreo

Making a commercial specifically for cartoon networks requires making it stand out, be promising and be funny enough to divert viewers’ attention from other content that already possesses similar traits. Learning how to approach youngsters is also more challenging because they have shorter attention spans than adults.

Oreos are a product that attracts customers of all ages. Therefore the firm came up with the smart idea of “Play” that attracts both young and adults. With this in mind, Oreo created the “Play with Oreo” video, which appeals to even the most elusive viewers because of its seamless transitions, vibrant colors, and upbeat characters.

The successful video advertisement led to the creation of wall art projects that portrayed the concept of play in partnership with other graffiti artists. The excellent Oreo animation advertisement provides animators with fresh inspiration for new animated children’s commercial concepts.

Always Working On Our Happy Meal – McDonald’s

Over the last few years, animation has improved dramatically and continues to do so now. You won’t see a lot of a difference if you look at the animated McDonald’s ads from eight or ten years ago; they seem to be brand-new animations. They still have a fantastic appearance because of their well-considered color, design, and transition choices.

McDonald’s has released numerous Happy Meal videos aimed at children. However, the “Always Working on our Happy Meal” ad is aimed at parents this time. They created an ideal and natural setting that showcases their work developing better and healthier solutions for children by focusing on this demographic.

By enhancing reality with stop-motion, the authors give their message a stronger effect. Every little thing about this is significant and helps to reinforce the idea that McDonald’s is “Always Working on Our Happy Meal.”

Air Reinvented – Nike

Nike used an animated commercial movie to promote the makeover of some of its most recognizable sneaker models years ago. They produced this attractive item that complements the brand’s urban vibe.

The nicest aspect of this animation advertisement is how respectfully it pays homage to earlier sneaker models. Do you observe how the graphics and music vary based on the type of featured sneaker each time a new model enters the frame? Amazing, isn’t it?

Anthem –MailChimp

The stunning images in this video advertisement example drew our eye. However, there’s more to it than simply a lovely look. It is a tribute to business owners, a market in which MailChimp excels. The unique thing about this animation concept is that it emphasizes the audience more than the brand.

MailChimp sends its customers an inspirational message rather than making a pitch or even explaining what its business is about. With these cartoon advertisements, a firm and its principles can become more relatable to the public, hopefully fostering customer loyalty and trust.

Be Together. Not The Same – Android

A phone advertisement with no phones in sight? You would be correct if you felt it was risky. But in this instance, the return more than justified the risk. With this ad, Android hopes to increase brand recognition and contribute to the social dialogue on bullying. Their film encourages bravery, kindness, and connection while increasing this major company’s value.

It’s Amazing What Water Can Do – Sydney Water.

Most people would assume that a PSA, particularly on promoting the use of the toilet’s “half flush” to conserve water, doesn’t have much space for originality. But these animated advertisements show them to be wrong!

It’s so much fun to see this piece from Sydney Water. Everything about this animated ad, from the eye-catching poetry on the value of water to the breathtaking animation style, grabs the viewer’s attention.

Mindfulness – Apple

With so much talk about the negative effects of excessive screen time, Apple needs to take proactive PR measures to maintain its reputation. The firm released this video, a straightforward, brief story that highlights the power of including a few moments of silence in your everyday life at the same time that they added mindfulness capabilities to their Health app.

This advertisement strengthened Apple’s position as the market leader in everything related to lifestyle and promoting its new app feature.

Imagine What You Could Do – American Express

This American Express piece is jam-packed with animation suggestions for your commercial. It conveys the product’s advantages, just like any other animated advertisement, but it does so through imaginative storytelling.

Additionally, it incorporates upbeat music, a vintage-inspired color scheme, and visually attractive artwork. The result is a captivating video that is so much fun to watch!

Why Make Awesome Animated Ads?

Few individuals now would contest the impact of animation. Additionally, animation advertising may convey any kind of message to any audience. That is the key justification for why most companies incorporate cartoon commercials into their overall marketing plans. Simply choose the strategy that works best for you!

Final Words 

Hopefully, this article has given you ample motivation and brilliant suggestions for animated advertising. Also, remember that animation isn’t just for children or online use. There are several situations in which it can be applied successfully to adults or in other media platforms. You now have enough reasons and motivation to turn to animated ads for your brand and captivate the audience’s attention.

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